Saturday, May 19, 2007

sleeping yogis

today i could have given a flying fuck about yoga. i'm exhausted. i'm sick of doing yoga. talking yoga. memorizing yoga. yogis. eating. drinking. pissing. the hotel. i'm so looking forward to the weekend. many fellow yogis have been sharing the same sentiments. i guess we're all a bit burned out. we had a lecture tonite by the chair of the UCLA medical school. it was all about menstruation. go figure. i had a nice nap though, for about 2 hours, until i was awoken by the sleep patrol.

they have been cranking the heat up in the room. we are dropping like flies. one more class until the weekend. i am definitely taking it easy this weekend, especially since i have to go to the sunday morning makeup class for forgetting to sign in the other day.

beach and sleep sounds good to me. one more yoga class and the weekend is here! pictures coming this weekend!

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