Friday, May 18, 2007

turret's syndrome and hip hip hooray

i had a very strong morning class. perhaps i pushed it a bit too much, i ran out of gas in tonite's class. it was taught by a very funny, talkative, high energy, flamingly gay new yorker. the entire class ran out of gas tonite. it is by far the most bizarre class i have taken. multiple people fainting, passing out and falling, people getting severe cramps, muffled crying, open wailing, coughing (some bizarre illness going around), people getting up and running out, pedialyte being delivered to people on their mat's, and somehow, half the class contracted turret's syndrome. somewhere in the middle of the floor series, people start yelling out. open the door! open the fucking door! yeah! open the fucking door! it was extremely hot and humid tonite. and there was absolutely no air flow whatsoever. and i'm not sure if there is any fresh air being pumped into the room. as a fellow yogi described to me, at one point the room (from the front) looked like the aftermath of a bomb explosion - bodies laying everywhere. so when people started blurting out about the door, one of the teachers yelled back to tell them to shut up. then i hear fuck you. come make me shut up. bring it on. then it turned into a yelling match. i was utterly confused. i thought there was going to be a showdown in the yoga room. a brawl. mass chaos. rioting. but then they finally opened the doors. then another group of people started yelling to shut the fucking door. you shut the fuck up. no you shut the fuck up. back and forth. what a strange class, perhaps the strangest i will ever take?

later tonite, in the posture clinics, i did my performance, and i did pretty damned good (my best so far), except for one spot where i froze up. when i finished, the room cheered and screamed really loud for me (a fellow yogi told me that i got the loudest screams and applause thus far into yoga camp). it felt really good (not that i got the applause, but to know that i did well and my peers were cognizant of it and were genuinely happy with me). whenever i have to "perform," i completely black out. i go into automatic mode and don't remember anything that happened. but tonite it was a little different. i actually heard the applause. of course most of it, i don't remember. i hope that by the end of yoga camp, i will not completely black out and actually be present and aware of what i am doing even when i am "performing."

but for today, hip hip hooray. open the fucking door.

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